Wednesday 12 August 2015

Tooth Fairy

Do you have any idea who created the myth of Tooth Fairy? Or was it a fairy tale that people picked up and started making real? I heard about Tooth Fairy not in my childhood but when I was working with ITN at Nariman Point. My friend Neelu Lekhi has two sons, and her sons were pretty young at that time. So, one day she told me how she buys gifts, wraps them and keeps them handy so that when either of the boys has tooth fall, she becomes a Tooth Fairy to them! Although sounded troublesome, the idea enchanted me. She said kids find it magical and there should be some magic in childhood. Yes, I ever more liked the idea then. Ishan was just 11 months old at that time.

After a few years when Ishan's milk tooth started coming off, I started buying gifts for him and keeping them near his pillow, in his study table, in the drawing room etc. I added a twist to the magic, you have to look for it and find it. So whenever there was a tooth fall, Ishan used to be ecstatic, looking forward to a gift, sleeping early in the night so that he can wake up early and get the gift. In the morning, he used to get up early and start looking around for his gift. I loved it too, he believed in magic, he believed in fairies and he was happy. Isn't that what I wanted?

I thought this will not go on for long and he will see through it and start disbelieving. It was hell of a task for me, whenever he used to say that there is a loose tooth, I used to go running and buying something that he needed. So once he commented - Tooth Fairy buys all her gifts from 'Chamunda' (a shop just down my building)! Once he said - Tooth Fairy knows what I want and gives me that! I was sure, this magic will end pretty soon. He was so close to seeing through everything.

He asked his friends of they get gifts and some of them said yes and some said no. So he asked me why is the fairy biased and I said you really have to believe her to get the gift.

He is 10+ now and a tooth came off yesterday. He did not tell me that there was a loose tooth and hence I was not prepared today. He was so upset today morning thinking Tooth Fairy missed him and was wondering why. After he went to school, I bought a gift and placed it in his study table, behind his Globe. After coming back he was ecstatic!! Mamma! I missed it in the morning, the gift is here. Then he gave me a smile, a all knowing smile, a sweet smile, a smile that I can die for.

Yes, he knows there is no fairy, he knows it is me. He does not want to tell me this and end the magic. I know that he knows and I also do not want to tell him and end this. So, till his final milk tooth is out, I am ready to play Tooth Fairy happily!